Saturday, January 2, 2010

Exercise 1

a) What is the IP address of the client that initiates the conversation?

b) Use the first two packets to identify the server that is going to be contacted. List the common name, and three IP addresses that can be used for the server.
Server going to be contacted:
The IP addresses that can be used for the server are:

c) What is happening in frames 3, 4, and 5?
In frame 3, connection establish request to the server
In frame 4, connection establish acknowledge to client Acknowledge number=1
In frame 5, acknowledge returned to the server. Sequence number=1

d) What is happening in frames 6 and 7?
In frame 6, client is requesting server for URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
In frame 7, server sends acknowledge for the request in frame 6

e) Ignore frame eight. However, for your information, frame eight is used to manage flow control.

f) What is happening in frames nine and ten? How are these two frames related?
In frame 9, acknowledge is set and forwarded to client
In frame 10, server is sending requested URI to client

g) What happens in packet 11?
Packet 11 is the acknowledge to the packets received in frame 10

h) After the initial set of packets is received, the client sends out a new request in packet 12. This occurs automatically without any action by the user. Why does this occur? See the first “hint” to the left.
The requested URI contains an image file which was not sent by the server in frame 10, which was in text format. So the client automatically asks for the image in another packet.

i) What is occurring in packets 13 through 22?
Packet 13 is acknowledge to packet 12. Packets 14 to 21 are requests and acknowledge related to the requested image file.
Packet 22 contains the image file that is finally sent to the client.

j) Explain what happens in packets 23 through 26. See the second “hint” to the left.
Frame 23 is an automatic request sent by the client
Frame 24 is the acknowledge to frame 23.
Frame 25 contains the image file requested by client.
Frame 26 is the acknowledge for received packet in frame 25.

k) In one sentence describe what the user was doing (Reading email? Accessing a web page? FTP? Other?).
The user was accessing the web page

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